Happiness is temporary. If you want something that lasts, look into PMFEVER.

When you have multiple aspects of life that bring you satisfaction, you have so much more to live for. One area of your life could fail, and there’s still other pillars holding you up. During times like this, you are able to change the goal and restore the pillar. Every pillar is just a game that keeps life interesting.

You only play the game for you. There is no competition with others. Everyone is in a league of their own. This allows you to be proud of yourself or others without having a feeling of inadequacy or scarcity. It’s about making the most of what you got.

Everyone is playing their own game and their game is their own problems to overcome. It is unreasonable to compare yourself to others because they are playing a different game with different talents and limitations.
Even if someone looks like they have it all, everyone is still struggling with something on the inside.
Even if someone looks like they have nothing, that have so much room to climb.
No matter where you are, each Pillar is a Game that allows you to climb higher.

Values are intentions that guide your life. But values without actions are just thoughts in your head.
It is exciting when you identify a goal you resonate with when it aligns with your values.

Although values guide goals, these are often not actionable enough to push you to face the journey for true growth towards self-actualization.
SMART Goals are Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
If you really want to get started, make it real by thinking through how to make your goals more explicit and tangible. Ambiguity is the enemy of action.

Goals will expose problems as you think through them basic you become more familiar with the challenges. The challenges require WORK.
Sometimes you need to work smart. Sometimes you need to work hard. But there’s no shortcut to avoid the work.

You will realize that some of the goals span across multiple pillars. This is great because it gives you more bang for your buck.

A complete life is about selecting what you want to commit to and striving for excellence.
Oftentimes, people are picking goals that help them build what they don’t have rather than what they already have. Sometimes it is about feeling a sense of complete. This brings more comfort to the selection process because you will realize that their are no objectively right choices and you do not need to do everything to be successful or satisfied.

I tend to focus on fitness coaching, but if you need help with life coaching. Feel free to contact me!

Join the Twitch and the Discord. We will turn these into more comprehensive systems overtime.
We have the opportunity to disambiguate a lot of problems people face, but do not necessarily know where to start. This system makes it easy for us to identify a more meaningful way to live.
How can you implement the PMFEVER system? Click Here.